vopcodes.vh 2.63 KB
*									*
*               Copyright (C) 1994, Silicon Graphics, Inc.		*
*									*
*  These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs  contain	*
*  unpublished  proprietary  information of Silicon Graphics, Inc., and	*
*  are protected by Federal copyright  law.  They  may not be disclosed	*
*  to  third  parties  or copied or duplicated in any form, in whole or	*
*  in part, without the prior written consent of Silicon Graphics, Inc.	*
*									*

// $Id: vopcodes.vh,v 1.1 2002/12/06 21:14:14 doug Exp $

* These are the RSP VU operate instructions, which follow the general 
* organization of a MIPS coprocessor, with instructions mapped into CP2.
* If the opcode of the instructon is COP2 and bit 25 of the instruction
* is set, then it is a VU operate and we pass this instruction to the VU for 
* further decoding and execution.
* The lower 6 bits of the instruction will hold the VU opcode, which
* are listed below:
*  multiply instructions:
*  opcode bits: 00 a fff
*  where 00 is the mult op, a is accumulator or not,
* and fff is the format.
`define VMULF	'h00
`define VMACF	'h08
`define VMULU	'h01
`define VMACU	'h09
`define VRNDP	'h02
`define VRNDN	'h0a
`define VMULQ	'h03
`define VMACQ	'h0b
`define VMUDL	'h04
`define VMADL	'h0c
`define VMUDM	'h05
`define VMADM	'h0d
`define VMUDN	'h06
`define VMADN	'h0e
`define VMUDH	'h07
`define VMADH	'h0f

    /* add instructions: */
`define VADD	'h10
`define VSUB	'h11
// `define VSUT	'h12
`define VABS	'h13
`define VADDC	'h14
`define VSUBC	'h15
// `define VADDB	'h16
// `define VSUBB	'h17
// `define VACCB	'h18
// `define VSUCB	'h19
// `define VSAD	'h1a
// `define VSAC	'h1b
// `define VSUM	'h1c
`define VSAR	'h1d

    /* select instructions: */

`define VLT	'h20
`define VEQ	'h21
`define VNE	'h22
`define VGE	'h23
`define VCL	'h24
`define VCH	'h25
`define VCR	'h26
`define VMRG	'h27

/* logical instructions: */

`define VAND	'h28
`define VNAND	'h29
`define VOR	'h2a
`define VNOR	'h2b
`define VXOR	'h2c
`define VXNOR	'h2d

/* divide instructions: */
/* opcode bits: 110 f tt 				*/
/* where 110 is the div op, f is the function	 	*/
/* (reciprocal or reciprocal squared), and tt is the    */
/* type, single/double high/low				*/

`define VRCP	'h30
`define VRCPL	'h31
`define VRCPH	'h32
`define VRSQ	'h34
`define VRSQL	'h35
`define VRSQH	'h36
`define VMOV	'h33

/* pack instructions: */
/* bit 2 is pack/unpack */

// `define VINST	'h3c
// `define VEXTT	'h38
// `define VINSQ	'h3d
// `define VEXTQ	'h39
// `define VINSN	'h3e
// `define VEXTN	'h3a