n_synthInternals.h 5.06 KB
 * Copyright 1993, Silicon Graphics, Inc.
 * All Rights Reserved.
 * Inc.; the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third
 * parties, copied or duplicated in any form, in whole or in part,
 * without the prior written permission of Silicon Graphics, Inc.
 * Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to
 * restrictions as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights
 * in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS
 * 252.227-7013, and/or in similar or successor clauses in the FAR,
 * DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished - rights reserved under the
 * Copyright Laws of the United States.


#include <n_libaudio.h>
#include <synthInternals.h>
#include <n_abi.h>



#define SAMPLES               184
#define SAMPLE184(delta)      (((delta) + (SAMPLES / 2)) / SAMPLES) * SAMPLES
#define FIXED_SAMPLE          SAMPLES

#define N_AL_DECODER_IN	        0
#define N_AL_TEMP_0	        0
#define	N_AL_DECODER_OUT        368
#define	N_AL_TEMP_1	        368
#define	N_AL_TEMP_2	        736
#define	N_AL_MAIN_L_OUT	        1248
#define	N_AL_MAIN_R_OUT	        1616
#define	N_AL_AUX_L_OUT	        1984
#define	N_AL_AUX_R_OUT	        2352

#define N_AL_DIVIDED            368

typedef struct {
    struct ALParam_s    *next;
    s32                 delta;
    s16                 type;
    struct N_PVoice_s     *pvoice;
} N_ALFreeParam;

typedef struct N_PVoice_s {
    ALLink               node;
    struct N_ALVoice_s    *vvoice;
/** ALLoadFilter *********************************/
    ADPCM_STATE                 *dc_state;
    ADPCM_STATE                 *dc_lstate;
    ALRawLoop                   dc_loop;
    struct ALWaveTable_s        *dc_table;
    s32                         dc_bookSize;
    ALDMAproc                   dc_dma;
    void                        *dc_dmaState;
    s32                         dc_sample;
    s32                         dc_lastsam;
    s32                         dc_first;
    s32                         dc_memin; 
/** ALResampler *********************************/
    RESAMPLE_STATE      *rs_state;
    f32                 rs_ratio;
    s32			rs_upitch;
    f32		        rs_delta;
    s32			rs_first;
/** ALEnvMixer *********************************/
    ENVMIX_STATE	*em_state;
    s16		        em_pan;
    s16		        em_volume;
    s16		        em_cvolL;
    s16		        em_cvolR;
    s16		        em_dryamt;
    s16		        em_wetamt;
    u16                 em_lratl;
    s16                 em_lratm;
    s16                 em_ltgt;
    u16                 em_rratl;
    s16                 em_rratm;
    s16                 em_rtgt;
    s32                 em_delta;
    s32                 em_segEnd;
    s32			em_first;
    ALParam		*em_ctrlList;
    ALParam		*em_ctrlTail;
    s32                 em_motion;
    s32                 offset;
} N_PVoice;

typedef Acmd *(*N_ALCmdHandler)(s32, Acmd *);

typedef struct N_ALFilter_s {
    struct N_ALFilter_s   *source;
    N_ALCmdHandler        handler;
    ALSetParam          setParam;
    s16                 inp;
    s16                 outp;
    s32                 type;
} N_ALFilter;

typedef struct N_ALMainBus_s {
    N_ALFilter           filter;
} N_ALMainBus;

typedef struct N_ALAuxBus_s {
    ALFilter            filter;
    s32                 sourceCount;
    s32                 maxSources;
    N_PVoice           **sources;
    ALFx                *fx;
    ALFx		*fx_array[AL_MAX_AUX_BUS_SOURCES];
} N_ALAuxBus;

void alN_PVoiceNew(N_PVoice *mv, ALDMANew dmaNew, ALHeap *hp);

ALParam         *__n_allocParam(void);
void            _n_freeParam(ALParam *param);
void            _n_freePVoice(N_PVoice *pvoice);
void            _n_collectPVoices(void);
s32             _n_timeToSamples(s32 micros);
ALMicroTime     _n_samplesToTime(s32 samples);

Acmd    *n_alAdpcmPull(N_PVoice *f,s16 *outp, s32 byteCount, Acmd *p);
s32     n_alLoadParam(N_PVoice *filter, s32 paramID, void *param);

Acmd    *n_alResamplePull(N_PVoice *f, s16 *outp,Acmd *p);
s32     n_alResampleParam(N_PVoice *f, s32 paramID, void *param);

Acmd    *n_alEnvmixerPull(N_PVoice *f, s32 sampleOffset, Acmd *p);
s32     n_alEnvmixerParam(N_PVoice *p, s32 paramID, void *param);

s32 n_alAuxBusParam( s32 paramID, void *param);
Acmd *n_alAuxBusPull( s32 sampleOffset, Acmd *p);

Acmd *n_alFxPull( s32 sampleOffset, Acmd *p);
s32 n_alFxParamHdl(void *filter, s32 paramID, void *param);
void n_alFxNew(ALFx **r, ALSynConfig *c, ALHeap *hp);

Acmd *n_alMainBusPull( s32 sampleOffset, Acmd *p);
s32 n_alMainBusParam( s32 paramID, void *param);

Acmd *n_alSavePull(s32 sampleOffset, Acmd *p);
s32 n_alSaveParam( s32 paramID, void *param);

void n_alSaveNew(void);

void n_alSynNew(ALSynConfig *c);
void n_alSynDelete(void);

#endif /*  __N_SYNTHINTERNALS__ */