virgin_indy 1.34 KB
# This does a simple INDY cleanup prior to testing an ultra image.
# To test the released images do
#	- run this script to clean up
#	- install the new images
#	- reboot to load the new kernel drivers
#	app/sys test
#		- build all of the apps to check that they work
#	gfx tools
#		- make install in PR/conv to build the tools
#		- make clobber apps and build again, check that they work
#	audio tools
#		- build PR/assets
#		- make clobber apps and rebuild again with new banks to
#			make sure they work
#	debugger
#		- debug any app, make sure we can set break point and step.


if (test $user != "root")
	echo "must be root clean up the ultra 64 images from this INDY";
	exit 0;

# removing last install using versions
echo "versions -r / remove ultra"
versions -r / remove ultra
#echo "versions -r / remove GameShop"
#versions -r / remove GameShop

echo "removing misc src apps/tools, binaries, include, libs"
# apps/tools
rm -rf /usr/src/PR

# /usr/sbin system stuff
rm -rf /usr/sbin/gload
rm -rf /usr/sbin/dbgif

# /usr/sbin gfx tools
rm -rf /usr/sbin/flt2c
rm -rf /usr/sbin/rgb2c
rm -rf /usr/sbin/ppmquant
rm -rf /usr/sbin/mksprite
rm -rf /usr/sbin/mkisprite
rm -rf /usr/sbin/mksprite32

# /usr/lib stuff
rm -rf /usr/lib/PR
rm -rf /usr/lib/libultra.a

# /usr/include stuff
rm -rf /usr/include/PR