Project Reality HeadStart Development Documentation

This following sections gives an overview of various documentations on how
to program the Project Reality system. The goals of the HeadStart developers
program are

	Get developers familiar with how the system works and it capabilities.

	Get developers started on developing software. Particularly the
	animation code.

	Get developers started on developing the 2D and 3D artwork.

The hardware and software detail definitions are finalizing quickly. We've made
attempts to present the best approximation of the final interface. However,
changes will be forth coming. The following list are important to understand
what the HeadStart environment will and will not do for you.

	The definition of hardware/software will change. Although not

	Performance will not exactly match those of the real hardware. However,
	the emulator does give critical performance numbers to aid the
	approximation of performance.

The HeadStart development environment does not include audio and video software


Project Reality Software Architecture
	This is a compilation of notes/ideas/design decisions/architecture for
	the entire Project Reality software. Although not complete, it does give
	insight to the software teams goals and design tradeoffs. It is also
	an excellent overview of all the pieces of Project Reality.

Programming Guide
	The basic concepts you need to know to start development. This is an
	excellent first week "get me started" companion document. It has a
	simple code walkthru to illustrate all of the concepts.

Rendering Pipeline
	This document presents a logical state machine for the RDP hardware.
	The rasterization/texturing part of the hardware. Understanding this
	state machine gives you the full control of the RDP hardware.

RDP Commands
	Commands to the RDP. Most of these commands are directly programmable
	using the software interface. The emulator is incomplete in the list
	of functionality. The emulator functionality list is in the EMULATOR
	section of the Graphics Binary Interface manual pages.

Graphics Binary Interface
	Commands to the RSP. The geometry portion of the graphics pipeline.
	Most of the commands are completed in the emulator fully functional.
	Again, the exceptions are outlined in the EMULATOR section of the
	manual pages. For functionality not yet implemented such as lighting,
	LOD, etc, Man pages for those commands are not available.

(1P) Commands
	These are manual pages for the executable tools in the development

(3P) Library Functions and Header file Macros
	libgu.a - graphics utility library.
	mbi.h - graphics display list macros.
	libem.a - emulator library.
	os - operation system services entry points.