Name Last Update
CVS Loading commit data...
README Loading commit data...
inc.file Loading commit data...
rac.w5.A Loading commit data...
test1.m Loading commit data...
verilog.key Loading commit data...
verilog.log Loading commit data...
waves.v Loading commit data...
This directory includes:
 the RAC netlist (in rac.w5.A),
 A simple test (in test1.m)
 A waves file (waves.v) and an include file.

"verilog -f inc.file" runs the test on the netlist.
The test is a very simple test that illustrates some 
of the things the user needs to know i geeting started.
Some of these things are:

1) tying up the channel signals with a pull up
2) initializing the SynClk generator
3) initializing the current control