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regman Loading commit data...
Regman may be installed by using the inst images available from
guest@mariah.asd:/dist/regman; a man page is provided in these images.

A PostScript version of the FrameMaker document "Using Regman" is in
this directory, and is called "".

After installing regman, you can test the configuration file on a machine
without the development board installed with the command

    "regman -noboard ndev.config"

To benefit from a recent bug fix to the way regman handles the 'dump limit'
configuration (we limit the memory dumping to the 1MB range of mapped memory,
not the entire 1MB of registers plus 1MB of dram), copy regman from this 
directory to /usr/sbin *after* you have installed regman proper from the inst
images.  You will want to do the inst, as there are several motif configuration
files that you need in addition to the raw exectuable.