Name Last Update
CVS Loading commit data...
doc Loading commit data...
scripts Loading commit data...
sim Loading commit data...
software Loading commit data...
HCMAPTBL.IDX Loading commit data...
Makefile.defs Loading commit data...
autorun.inf Loading commit data...
license.txt Loading commit data...
makefile Loading commit data...
read_me.txt Loading commit data...
readme.txt Loading commit data...
setup.log Loading commit data...
vauto.ico Loading commit data...
                    VAUTOMATION README FILE

VAutomation products consist of a few files.  Before you can use
these files they must be installed onto your hard drive, or a 
network drive.

To install VAutomation products, run Setup.exe on the floppy disk.

You will be reminded that:
	"You may only use this software if you have signed and 
	returned the VAutomation license agreement.  Your use 
	of this software indicates your acceptance of this 
	license agreement."

You may signify your agreement to this by clicking "I Agree".

You will then be asked for the following four pieces of information:
	Your Name
	Your Company Name
	Your Site Name
	The Authorization Key
Enter all four items and click "Next".

The authorization key will be the same for every product/update
you receive from us.

You will then be asked where to put the VAutomation files.  
Setup will recommend a directory such as C:\vhdfiles but you may 
pick another directory and/or another drive.  You may even specify 
a network drive such as \\Server\Eric\vhdfiles.

Once you have specified where the files are to be installed,
click "Finish".

All VAutomation files will be copied to the specified directory or
a subdirectory of that directory.  There are no hidden files.  
No files are copied to any other directory.

If you wish to remove all the VAutomation files, simply delete
the directory that they are in.

Thank you for purchasing our products.