Name Last Update
CVS Loading commit data...
121.cert Loading commit data...
GNUmakefile Loading commit data...
README Loading commit data...
bundlecheck.c Loading commit data...
certcheck.c Loading commit data...
keygen.c Loading commit data...
mftr-CA-cert.raw Loading commit data...
mpc2-mftr-cert.raw Loading commit data...
sslrsa.c Loading commit data...
tickcheck.c Loading commit data...
tests for libcrypto
keygen: tests public key generation and shared key generation, and 
runs iterative sign/verify tests with generated keys

sslrsa: tests rsa verify of different lengths 

certcheck: given a set of ordered cert files it loads each one and
checks them in succession. root key is hardcoded in the file. make
sure its the right one.

example: certcheck 121.cert mpc2-mftr-cert.raw mftr-CA-cert.raw 
works with the SK_REAL_ROOT

certcheck cpcert.bin cpcacert.bin 
works with player side test PKI.