Name Last Update
CVS Loading commit data...
InData Loading commit data...
Texture Loading commit data...
TmemData Loading commit data...
Makefile Loading commit data...
README Loading commit data...
ball_tri.h Loading commit data...
ball_vtx.h Loading commit data...
cases.c Loading commit data...
cfb.c Loading commit data...
dynamic.c Loading commit data...
init.c Loading commit data...
logo_tri.h Loading commit data...
logo_vtx.h Loading commit data...
main.c Loading commit data...
rdpverif.c Loading commit data...
rdpverif.h Loading commit data...
spec Loading commit data...
sphere.dat Loading commit data...
sphere.dl Loading commit data...
static.c Loading commit data...
zbuffer.c Loading commit data...
 * File:	README
 * Creator:
 * Create Date:	Fri Oct 14 11:37:43 PDT 1994

	        RDP Application-Level Verification Suite:

This application is intended for RDP verification. Running with
the RSP simulator, It generates some peculiar RDP data that can
be tested on the RDP.

This application shares code with other applications in the test suite,
be careful about modifying files. You may break something.

To add an additional test case, see the comment at the top of main.c

To run this test suite:

	emulate -s <app> rom

You can also pass application flags with the -a flag to emulate.
Valid application flags are:

	-a		automated. Don't wait for mouse clicks to change
			frames, and exit when all frames are done.

	-d		route the RDP output back to DRAM. (the .rdp file
			won't be created.)

	-f #		frame to start at

	-o #		which frame to output (or run through RSP)

	-m		keep 2MB DRAM image (for the RSP or RDP to use)

	-n name		output file name prefix.

	-s f# c#	compute an animation by repeatedly calling
			frame f#, c# (count) times.

To run the data through the RSP simulator, you need to set the
environment variable RSP_UCODE to point to the directory containing
the (compiled) RSP microcode. You also need to ask for the right frame
using the arguments above.